Tuesday 31 January 2012

The 7 questions

1) Camera type: lumix SLR, and i also have a sony point and shoot one, and i also have an iphone one as well.
2) Software i have used: adoble photoshop, i also took this class in grade 11.
3) I like sport photography, and i also enjoy mountains and landscape, and even some portraits.
4) Firefighter, RCMP, business area
5) I want to be able to learn how to make images about as clear and sharp as they can get.
6) Both, i enjoy working in groups as well as individually.
it doesn't really matter, visual and reading is usually the easiest way to learn.

A photographer that i like is Jack brauer, he does a lot of landscape and mountain photography.His photos are really well done and very sharp, i like the way he shoots an image and it actually seems like it is the actual mountain is in front of you and not just an image.
Here's a link to his website! check him out.
http://www.widerange.org/ i also quite like Ansel Adams photography, the way he uses black and white to make images stand out a lot, he has good shots of all mountains they usually look really good.

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